Last night I made a journey to visit Rupert Owen, who played GB in The Band. Not only an actor but a brilliant and progressive film maker in his own right, and avid sex blogger, Rupert is currently working on an animation of a talking vagina and asked me if I would do the voice over. I ask you who could resist playing a talking vagina?!
If you happen to be in Cannes!
THE BAND is having a screening at the Cannes Market Place. So if you happen to be in Cannes, France or Europe and you want to check the film out its screening on May 16 at 11:30am at Palais D! Its only the R rated version….sorry if you are after the better X rated version you will have to wait until October and come to Berlin!
More craft filth!
Vagina dentata
Anna in crafty action!
I’ve decided I shouldn’t write blog entries at 2am in the morning while working a 16 hour day, it just doesn’t make for good writing and hence good reading!
It was great to document this subversion of domestic arts and I even had time to sit down and do a little craft myself, a vagina dentata on a lovely hankie that the wonderful Gemma Jones of Kaotic Kraft Kuties gave to me…someone suggested it should be used as a cum rage and when I arrived home I presented it to my love one with the suggestion that next time he had a pull he could use this to “clean up”. He looked at it in horror and stated that it was scary and didn’t know if he wanted his nob anywhere near it!!
THE BAND screening
The night of the cast and crew screening finally arrived! I must admit I was very nervous. Putting your work out there for all to see is hard and my mind was racing…what if they don’t like it? What if people don’t laugh?
THE BAND invited to play at the Berlin Porn Film Festival
My eyeballs are hanging out of my head, I’ve been up since about 4am! Ah the joys of working a full time job and then trying to fit film making endeavours around that. Yes I’m currently working as an editing assistant on a documentary. Its been interesting. While the job itself isn’t very challenging, I’ve been learning a lot about making mainstream TV documentaries. So all good, except for the fact I have no time to do my own film making except on weekends or at ridiculously early hours of the morning. I’m not a night owl, really I’m a Nanna and like to be in bed by 10pm! I’d rather get up early in the morning and work instead!
Interviewing Casey, creator of cunts!
Ah Easter, time to over indulge, eat lots of chocolate and generally lay around. All of which I have done, except the eat lots of chocolate…..okay I ate some!
Shooting Cunts!
I had a great night last night shooting the first ever Trashbag Rehab, which is a craft night set up by Casey who is also part of the Melbourne Craft Cartel. The theme last night was Cunt Fling ups.
Working on the Weekend!
Inspired by Faythe Levine of Handmade nation I have decided to begin a blog.